
Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Python Implementation

The First Reinforcement Learning Tutorial Book with one-on-one mapping TensorFlow 2 and PyTorch 1&2 Implementation

English Edition 中文版 中文2019版
Book Book Book

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This is a tutorial book on reinforcement learning, with explanation of theory and Python implementation.

Supporting contents for English version

Check here for codes, exercise answers, etc.

Table of Codes

All codes have been saved as a .ipynb file and a .html file in the same directory.

Chapter Environment & Closed-Form Policy Agent
2 CliffWalking-v0 Bellman
3 FrozenLake-v1 DP
4 Blackjack-v1 MC
5 Taxi-v3 SARSA, ExpectedSARSA, QL, DoubleQL, SARSA(λ)
6 MountainCar-v0 SARSA, SARSA(λ), DQN tf torch, DoubleDQN tf torch, DuelDQN tf torch
7 CartPole-0 VPG tf torch, VPGwBaseline tf torch, OffPolicyVPG tf torch, OffPolicyVPGwBaseline tf torch
8 Acrobot-v1 QAC tf torch, AdvantageAC tf torch, EligibilityTraceAC tf torch, PPO tf torch, NPG tf torch, TRPO tf torch, OffPAC tf torch
9 Pendulum-v1 DDPG tf torch, TD3 tf torch
10 LunarLander-v2 SQL tf torch, SAC tf torch, SACwA tf torch
10 LunarLanderContinuous-v2 SACwA tf torch
11 BipedalWalker-v3 ES, ARS
12 PongNoFrameskip-v4 CategoricalDQN tf torch, QR-DQN tf torch, IQN tf torch
13 BernoulliMAB-v0 UCB
13 GaussianMAB-v0 UCB
14 TicTacToe-v0 AlphaZero tf torch
15 note HumanoidBulletEnv-v0 BehaviorClone tf torch, GAIL tf torch
16 Tiger-v0 VI


  1. It does not work with Gym >=0.25 and PyBullet 3.2.4. It is because Gym 0.25 changed metadata["render.modes"] to metadata["render_modes"], but PyBullet releases have not updated accordingly yet.


全球第一本配套 TensorFlow 2 和 PyTorch 1/2 对照代码的强化学习教程书






强化学习:原理与Python实现 (2019)

全球第一本配套 TensorFlow 2 代码的强化学习教程书

中国第一本配套 TensorFlow 2 代码的纸质算法书



本书介绍强化学习理论及其 Python 实现。